The 7 Deadly Sins of LinkedIn Profiles

October 15, 2015


#1 Posting a photo of yourself in a dirty bathroom mirror as your profile picture…

Or of yourself with a reindeer sweater at a boozy Christmas party, or with dark glasses on pretending to be a security officer, or no profile photo at all… you get the idea. Potential employers are much more likely to click on your profile if there is an appropriate picture. It doesn’t need to be fancy – a well lit, smiling headshot with a neutral background is just fine. And make sure it looks like you!


#2 Writing a really long biography about your life in the third person…

Do you want to seem egotistical? Then please, write a long-winded summary about yourself in the third person. Just kidding, please don’t do that. No one will want to read it, and if they do they won’t hire you. Instead, keep it short and sweet and try to bundle your accomplishments into a concise package that will entice potential employers and make them want to learn more about you.


#3 Not filling out any work history or accomplishments…

You want employers to know what you’ve achieved – it will show them that you are qualified right off the bat! Take some time to list a few of the top accomplishments you achieved at each job. They don’t need to be gigantic and mind-bending; just make sure they are quantifiable to show that you are a competent and motivated individual.


#4 Overusing buzzwords…

Please do not scour the web for different and complicated ways to say that you are creative or innovative. Instead, try to give concrete examples whenever possible. Did you figure out a new way to solve a problem? Don’t just say you’re “innovative”, and if you do, tell people how you solved the problem and why the approach was successful.


#5 Posting Personal Information on LinkedIn…

LinkedIn is strictly a professional social media platform! If you want to post photos of your children or your cats or share your extensive opinions on the Kardashians, please do this on your personal Facebook or Twitter accounts. Also, please keep in mind that no matter where you post information about yourself, employers and potential employers are watching and accessing your social media. Individuals are declined for jobs every day because of content they post on their social media accounts.


#6 Not Gathering Recommendations…

LinkedIn is your place to shine and highlight your work experience and dedication. Having recommendations from work connections (past or present) gives the reader a glimpse into your personality and your work ethic.


#7 Using the default connection request….

When you ask to connect with someone, LinkedIn fills the message box with a standard request. Don’t use it! You are supposed to be building valuable professional connections on LinkedIn, and you’ll want to build off of these connections later. Because of this, it’s a good idea to customize the message so the person you’re sending the invitation to will notice and be more likely to remember you.


Have any more deadly LinkedIn sins to add to the list? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!


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