3 Tips for Spotting Fake LinkedIn Accounts

An unknown hire covers their face with a paper bearing a question mark, indicating the possibility of a false LinkedIn account.

In 2023, LinkedIn removed 58 million fake accounts. What does this mean for hiring managers? You need to be extra careful to vet individuals before reaching out with an offer! Finding the right candidate to fill your open position is hard enough; save yourself heartache and time (and potential security concerns!) by following these three […]

5 Hiring Best Practices for Employers

Hiring best practices

Today’s job market is competitive, making hiring best practices more important than ever. Candidates are looking for fulfilling work with organizations that will value what they have to offer. Companies are looking for candidates who will bring the perfect combination of knowledge and experience to the organization. Finding where those two searches intersect is often […]

The Top 10 Job Skills That Are In Demand In 2021

Top 10 job skills

In this era of innovation and change, do your employees have the job skills necessary to push your company into the future? From technical expertise in blockchain and cloud computing, to the softer competencies of creativity and collaboration, having a team with the right mix of knowledge and capabilities will keep your business from falling […]

H-1B Visa abuse: What to be aware of when hiring overseas

H1-B visa abuse

Beware of potential H-1B visa abuse when hiring tech talent from overseas A true story about H-1B visa abuse from the trenches of tech: A downtown Bellevue company finds itself in urgent need of qualified talent. It turns to a local HR-consulting firm (no, not Peckman Search Partners) to locate qualified candidates. This HR consultant […]

A new “Roaring Twenties”? Your workforce may not be ready.

Roarin' 20s flapper women

Over the past year, we’ve talked to a lot of clients and partners about how to weather the COVID-related economic downturn. But now it looks like there’s at least a chance that we all need to start getting ready for something very different: a boom in resurgent consumer demand as vaccinations continue to rise; caseloads […]

Can Companies Find Their Glass Slipper with Glassdoor?

You may have heard of it, you may have not –but the fast-growing website Glassdoor.com is taking online job hunting and employer recruiting to a whole new level. Much like the employment-oriented networking site LinkenIn, Glassdoor allows an employer to find strong candidates, and strong candidates to find an employer –all via online postings. Seems […]

Personal Branding on LinkedIn: Why your profile photo is so important

If we have to see an inappropriate LinkedIn Profile photo one more time… Everyone knows someone who has that inappropriate profile picture. You know, the eye-roll inducing trying-to-be-funny-and-ironic photo, the dirty mirror selfie, the peace signs, the dark sunglass mystery-man mug, the semi sexually suggestive glamour shots… the list could go on. If your LinkedIn […]